Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Learning Log..

How does power corrupt?
Power corrupted Macbeth into killing Duncan. He was so driven by the desired power that he was willing to go to extreme lengths to get it. What drove him to become power hungry was his wife. She put ideas in his head that changed him. A day before, Macbeth would not speak of the idea of killing the king and now he was considering it. By killing Duncan, gaining the title of king, and not getting caught, Macbeth was given an enormous boost. He now felt invincible and let power finally get to him and corrupt him.

How far is one willing to go to get what they desire most?
Macbeth was willing to kill to become the king. Not only, Lady Macbeth provoked Macbeth to kill Duncan because she was possessed by the mere thought of getting power.

1 comment:

  1. Yout his wife have some good ideas about his wife and how she helped convince him. Do you not think though from some of the things tht she said, he was alsow trying to prove his manhood? wha tabout the witches and the seed they planted. we know macbet was already a good leader. tHESE ARE SOME THINGS TO THINK ABOUT. Ignore case size.
